
some selected accolades.

I want people to pick out plants as though they’re choosing their clothes or accessories
I want New Yorkers to know how great they are.
You’ve seen artists create and communicate through painting and sculpture for years, but these garden creations offer something a little different.
Arrangements of wildflowers and plants filled the vast industrial set in a powerful installation by Japanese plant artist Satoshi Kawamoto
While the designs appear to be the work of a magician, we assure you that anybody with a green thumb and a good eye can replicate the look.
La missione della sua vita è trasformare il modo in cui le persone interpretano e si relazionano con le piante e gli spazi indoor.
Nei suoi sette negozi jungle style da Tokyo a New York, il flower designer Satoshi Kawamoto crea composizioni in stile libero che dettano le ultime tendenze dei ‘botanicals’
Author and plant artist, Satoshi Kawamoto of GREEN FINGERS commands the world’s attention with his artisanal expertise with plants.